Cleaning Your Home Made Simple

- Jurnalis

Rabu, 9 Juni 2021 - 18:02 WIB

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Good housecleaning has never gone out of style, but it has taken on a new priority in the wake of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.Whether you are spending more time at home or have returned part-time to in-person work or school, smart, effective cleaning strategies can help keep your home and family safe and healthy.Safe and simple are key criteria for choosing from among the wide variety of today’s home cleaning products. However, consumers also want cleaners that are tough and effective, that don’t just eliminate stains and spots, but also kill germs, viruses, and bacteria.

To that point, many people want to make cleaning easier, and that includes one-stop shopping.One such product, all-n-all, tackles cleaning, stain removal and deodorizing in one single step.The multipurpose cleanser contains ingredients derived from renewable resources, natural products including hydrogen peroxide and plant derived essential oils. It is designed to deliver a tough cleaning punch throughout the home, and the formula kills 99 percent of germs, bacteria, and viruses on hard, porous/non-porous surfaces when used correctly.”Added surfactants help to break down those stubborn stains, giving you a one-step cleaning solution for your whole home,” says Jason Bailey, president of all-n-all.To that end, all-n-all is engineered to clean the entire house:

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Kitchen: all-n-all can help keep countertops and floors germ-free while tackling kitchen appliance cleaning from the sink, refrigerator, to tough stove top grease and grime.
Living room: Stain-removal properties can take on challenges such as wine, coffee and pet stains from carpet, clean light switches, remotes, and tables.
Bathroom: Remove iron deposits, hard water and calcium deposits from faucets and shower fixtures, clean sinks, bathtubs and countertops in one simple step.
Nursery: It’s safe and gentle enough to use on children’s highchairs, furniture, toys, and game controllers.

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All-n-all contains no dyes, phosphates, bleach, chlorine, or sodium lauryl sulfate, and is manufactured in the USA, with no harsh or abrasive chemicals.Visit for more information and to purchase all-n-all natural cleaner.

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